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Bounty Hunting Advice

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Bounty Hunting Advice Empty Bounty Hunting Advice

Post  Admin Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:04 am

Ok well, first of all if you are past level 20, start over, because your character is useless now. Also if you are not willing to spend a couple hours clicking refresh and staring at the screen waiting for bounties, don't bother. If you lack hand eye coordination, and cant manipulate mouse, don't bother. If you are using a touch pad, don't bother. If you have a small mob, don't bother. If you have no patience, to build your player correctly, dont bother.

Now that I have pointed out all the reasons not to be a hunter, I will tell you how to do it.

First you need over 150 people in your mob.
Second you need tons of weapons and equipment. Minimum of 150 of each category for Miami, and at least 10 of the best of each class for downtown and bronx.
Third you can gift yourself good weapons, and sell them to buy stuff everyday. The gift links are under the "open positions" Tab.

Use your skill points for attack, and stamina only. Its best to spend 2pts stam and 1 pt attack until your stamina reaches 10, then all attack after that. You wanna buy the dive bars and upgrade to Pizza Parlors for increased health as soon as possible. You can have 4 pizza parlors and that gives you an extra 200 health (50 each).

Next you wanna unlock Enforcer and Hitman classes. The requirements for hitman are 20 bounty kills, 300 guns and 200 explosives, so get to buying stuff with your money from bounties. Once you unlock hitman you get 10 extra stamina and that will take you to 20. This will be a big help when you hunt because you can stay at it longer without pausing.

What about missions?
Well I do the missions that give very low exp pts in return. I take them all the way through Platinum so I get the skill pt at Gold and the Favor point at Platinum. You will wanna do the take out killer in bronx until you get the derringer, you will need that to hold up a gun store in Miami later. That will give you more free guns.

It is important to have weapons for everybody in your mob. So again 150+ mob, and 1 of each category of stuff for each mobbies. The type is not important early on, just buy cheap stuff to get you started, then upgrade as you go. Look for the best return on investment. Brass knuckles are good vs jachammers because the cost difference is huge and not much difference in attack power. Jackhammer gets you 21 attack and costs $14,400 in the bronx, while brass knuckles give you 14 attack and cost only $1125 in Miami. You can get 10 brass knuckles for the price of one Jackhammer. That is 140 attack vs 21 attack at the same price. Its all about ROI (return on investment) in the beginning. When you are rolling huge bank start buying better stuff slowly. In the beginning just get everybody weaponized and ready to go. You are going to win 99% of the time when you attack even with the lesser weapons.

OK so now you are built to kill, how do you do it?

You click the attack tab, click the hitlist tab and then click refresh over and over and over once every couple seconds until you see a target. Then you click attack when you see that target. Now the fun part. You are going to get a few possible outcomes when you click attack:

1. You win the fight but don't ice the person and get no bounty....what do you do? You close that box quickly and attack again until you get a different result.

2. You lose the fight and get no bounty, see above, you attack again until you get a different result. You can lose the fight and still kill the person.

3. It says, "you just missed so and so, they are in XXXX city", you can either click close and wait for a different bounty or click "go there" and try to get them anyways. If you are fast enough, lucky enough you may still catch it, most likely you will not though. So I only chase large bounties, not small ones.

4. You click attack and a little bar pops up, but no result is shown. This means on of two things, either you reached your daily limit of 24 bounties, or they got whacked already. So you continue to try for more. If you click attack, it does this and you still see them on the bounty list, you are at your limit.

5. You get a message that says something like "this mobster is already in a fight blah blah" You simply close and attack again.

6. You get a message and other windows pop up and it shows your fight result and YOU ICED "MOBSTER" and you have cash now. That is the desired result. You have 24 a day to get, so get as many as you can.

Now again if you are impatient, you don't even wanna bother with this because you will just get frustrated and start whining about why you cant get any bounties. You will have hot streaks and cold streaks but patience and persistance is the real trick to hunting.

Now why did I say if you are level 20 already to quit? Well people at higher levels have higher bounties and people can't afford to whack them, so they don't. This is why it's important to stay at a low level as long as possible. Leveling up becomes a bad thing.

What are the bad parts about hunting?

1. Douchebags that retaliate for you killing them. This is going to happen a lot, so again if this stuff bothers you, don't be a hunter. They are most likely going to win the fight also because they will almost always be a higher level than you, and your defense is going to suck because the player is built for attack, not defense.

2. You are going to lose a lot when attacked.

3. The character becomes less useful the higher the level goes up because of lack of available bounties.

I hope this helps, I know I sound like a dick, but it gets old answering the same questions, over and over. Plus its not in my best interest to have more people competing over the limited bounties out there. Use this as a guide I am no expert but its what works for me. Happy Mobbing,


Posts : 15
Join date : 2010-03-20

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